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What is Noun?

A noun is used as the name of a person, thing, place, idea and quality of a person.

Kinds of Noun:

Nature of Noun
Proper noun
It is the name given to some particular person, thing or place.
India, West Bengal, The Ganges, The Mahabharata etc.
Common Noun
It is the name given to any and every person or thing of the same class or kind.
Book, tree , State, river, king ,country etc.
Collective Noun
It denotes a group or collection of similar individuals or things considered as one complete whole.
Army , class , host , Jury , mob crowd , committee , fleet etc.
Material Noun
Matter of substance of which a thing is made.
Gold, silver  , wood etc.
Abstract Noun
It expresses the name of a quality, idea, state or action.
Beauty, Truth, Love, Greatness, poverty, honesty, youth, death etc.

Number of a Noun:

Singular And Plural

Gender of  a Noun:

Masculine, Feminine and neuter

Rules of Noun

1. Uncountable nouns are used in the singular forms only. Indefinite article (a, an) is not used before them. They are not used with plural verbs. Much or some are used in place of many.
 Some of these uncountable nouns are: advice, information, hair, luggage, business, work, mischief, bread, scenery, vacation evidence, employment, alphabet, poetry, food, furniture, baggage, fuel, machinery, Bedding, Infantry, cavalry, offspring etc.
(A) He gave me an information.
      He gave me information.
(B) I don't like poetries of Keats.
      I don't like poetry of Keats.
(C) He was punished for committing many mischiefs.
      He was punished for committing much mischief. 
(D) The old furnitures were disposed of.
      The old furniture was disposed of.
(E) The sceneries of the Himalayas are excellent.
      The scenery of the Himalayas is excellent.
2. Some of the nouns look like plural, but are used in singular.

Some of these nouns are: Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Politics, Physics, Mumps, Measles, Billiards, Aquatics, Gymnastics, Athletics, News, Innings, Rickets, Gulliver's Travels, Arabian Nights, United States, United Arab Emirates etc.

 (A) Mathematics are a difficult subject.
       Mathematics is a difficult subject.
(B) A series of matches are  being played.
      A series of matches of is being played.
(C) Measles are infectious.
      Measles is infectious.
3. Some nouns have the same form in singular and plural.
Some of these nouns are: Sheep, Deer, Fish, Means, Apparatus, Offspring, Series, Brac, Amends, Cod, Corps etc.
(A)  Fishes cannot live without water.
      Fish cannot live without water.
(B) A series of lectures were delivered on the subject.
     A series of lectures was delivered on the subject.
4. Some of the nouns generally used in the plural form with plural verb.
Some of these nouns are: Trousers, Breeches, Jeans', Scissors, spectacles, alms, thanks , Proceeds, riches contents, credentials, orders, requirements wages, bowels, Goods, Socks. Shorts, Pantaloons, Surroundings, Tongs , odds, Binoculars, etc.
(a) My spectacles is very costly.
     My spectacles are very costly.
(B) Order for his transfer has been issued.
     Orders for his transfer have been issued.
(C) Kindly give me a scissor.
      Kindly give me a pair of scissor.
5. Some collective nouns are used with plural verbs.
Some of these nouns are: Gentry, peasantry, people, folk, mankind , police, clergy, vermin, public, army, cattle, flock, committee etc.
(A) The public is aware of the fact.
      The public are aware of the fact.
(B) The cattle is grazing in field.
      The cattle are grazing in the field.
Some of these collective nouns are used as singular and take singular verbs when they are used as a body or group and not as members.
Army, Jury, Committee, Team, Police, crowd, family.
1.The police has become insensitive. (used as a body)
The police were posted all over the route. (used as members)
2. The audience was spell bound. (used as a body)
The audience were forbidden to occupy chairs.
3. The jury was unanimous in its opinion. (one undevided whole)
 The jury were divided in their opinion. ( used as members)
6. Some nouns when preceded by a numeral remain unchanged in form. 
Some of these nouns are:  Foot, Hundred, Thousand, Million, Pair, Dozen, Metre , years , Score etc.
(A)  I bought five dozens bananas.
       I bought five dozen bananas.
(B) Six hundreds miles is a long distance.
     Six hundred miles is a long distance.
(C) It was a five years project.
      It was a five year project.
(D) Very few people reach the age of four scores.
    Very few people reach the age of four score.
7. Noun after preposition is repeated in singular form.
 Examples: (A) word for word (B) hour after hour (C) door to door

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